Longterm Interest Cycle (LIC)
Longterm Interest Cycle (LIC)
In order to maintain sustainability and future growth, we have introduced a Longterm Interest Cycle (LIC) component which will award $AOM token holders with continued compound interest in perpetuity.
Each Interest Cycle is 10 minutes in length and is referred to as an EPOCH.
There are 52,560 EPOCH's in the First 1 year.
EPOCH 1 - 52,560: 0.0158% every EPOCH (First 12 Months)
EPOCH 52,561 - 78,840: 0.00211% every EPOCH (Next 6 months)
EPOCH 78,841 - 420,480: 0.00014% every EPOCH (Next 6.5 Years)
EPOCH 420,481: 0.00002% every EPOCH (In Perpetuity until max supply is reached)
Last updated